People & Organization


Having the right people in place together with your organizational capabilities is a major source of competitive advantage. Or in other words – having a superior product, the best strategy or a competitive pricing, but having not aligned the organization and the best human resource will make it difficult to win the market. More than in any other business discipline, the cultural aspect has an enormous, if not the highest impact when it comes to the topic people & organization. Focusing in external environment will bring short-term business but building an organization will secure a long-term positioning in the market.

Below are the typical challenges we face and solve for and with our clients:

How to transform the organization when dis-alignments between corporate strategy and underlining organization are present.

How to decide if the current staff is the right fit for the next stage of the company’s development.

How to implement organizational changes without having too many negative side effects.

How to understand if the problem is more related to the current organizational structure or its people.

How to identify the right leaders in the organization.

How to balance the cultural gaps between headquarters and local organization.

How to identify best fit talents in the market and how to profile them.

How to decide whether to raise or hire talents.

How to identify the most efficient way to develop and to retain talents.

How to find the right incentives for different job responsibilities and staff profiles.

How to support staff to release their full potentials.



There are no perfect organizations and there are no perfect employees but there are suitable organization forms and best-fit people for businesses in different stages of development. Few will deny that organizations and people are few of the most challenging topics in business. Adding the cultural fact for companies operating in different countries makes the subject even more complex. During our practice we often experience companies having difficulties to balance the soft topic “human resource” with hard targets like “revenue”. In order to avoid a typical and very subjective cluster of “soft” and “hard”, NxtAsia approaches the topic more process and structure related. Our starting point is our client’s DNA, the specific business target for the relevant region and the current organization and people. From there we cascade the topic down – from the organization to the single employee:

Strategy – What is the strategy of the company for a specific region? Is it growing topline revenue, maximizing net profit, gaining market share or just serving existing clients? The overall strategy with consideration of the market environment will pre-define the required company structure. NxtAsia supports the customers in setting realistic targets and to design the most suitable organization structure.

Organization – Once the ideal structure and the DNA of the future organization have been defined NxtAsia will compare the to-be organization with the existing one. We identify misalignments and their root causes. Are the misalignments organization-, process- or person related and is it possible to correct the current set-up without external forces? If it is demanded, NxtAsia will take all relevant corrective measures to transform the company to the most strategy aligned organization.

People – the organization is the shell and the framework of a company which provides the stage for the play. For a successful play you still need the right actors – your people. NxtAsia’s certified coaches will profile the entire team, respectively the single individuals who are the main drivers of your future success. We offer coaching to those who are in need of support and advise clients if certain players have to be added to secure the successful implementation of the company’s strategy.

Placement – given the case that certain essential personnel resources are not available in the current organization, NxtAsia is able to carry-out the entire recruitment process, starting from profiling the required talent, screening the talent market, approaching and filtering prospects and closing with a fixed hire.

Interims Management – if management expertise is needed to bridge special circumstances, NxtAsa is able to cover those needs. Our team combines many industries and has the expertise for various positions. Whenever needed, we close your gap in personnel resources.


Foster internally or hire externally? yes
Not changing current organization structure or not hiring new staffs? Just meaning that they can align it by themselves and do not need consultants
Is it accurate to translate as Headhunting? Placement is the slightly softer wording..headhunting has sometimes a negative touch (just translate it….) Placement could also include internal promotions